Wednesday, September 29, 2010

India's Commonwealth Games Mess

Article by HARI KUMAR from

NEW DELHI — Indian health officials have struggled to allay domestic concerns about dengue fever even as the country scrambles to finish construction projects in time for the Commonwealth Games, which will take place here in less than a month.

India is expecting 8,000 athletes and team officials from 71 countries and territories for the games, which bring together nations that were formerly part of the British Commonwealth. Delays and allegations of corruption have already marred India’s preparations, and the dengue outbreak is just the latest concern for Indian officials, partly because the athletes’ quarters will be near a breeding ground for the mosquitoes that spread the disease.

Some countries like Australia and New Zealand have issued travel warnings . . .

India's Commonwealth Games Mess
More from by Sumon K. Chakrabarti / New Delhi


Luring and attracts the mosquitoes AWAY from the games...

Picture from Flickr

1 comment:

  1. What is Mosquitoes
    Mosquitoes are the most common flying insect that uses to live in every part of the world. There are more than 35,000 kinds of mosquito species. A mosquito is a member of a large group of small insects and belonging to the order Diptera i.e. flies.

    The word mosquito is made up of Mosca and diminutive-ito and these are Spanish and Portuguese for ‘little fly’. The mosquitoes have a segmented body that is one pair of wings, one pair of halters, three pairs of long hair-like legs, and elongated mouthparts.
    Best Mosquitoes Net
